Espirito Santo: Number One State for Marble Industry in Brazil
Bruno Zanet, President of Marmi Bruno Zanet, speAaks about the unique natural conditions of Espirito Santo and its mineral diversity.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07
Bruno Zanet, President of Marmi Bruno Zanet, speAaks about the unique natural conditions of Espirito Santo and its mineral diversity.
The outlook for commercial real-estate in Kuwait remains negative due to…
Kuwaiti government owns almost all the oil and related services – production, distribution, refining, and marketing.
Interview with Dr. Osama J. Bukhamseen, Vice Chairman of Bukhamseen Group. Detailed overview of Bukhamseen group and main business lines – including real estate sector – by its Vice Chairman, Dr. Osama J. Bukhamseen. Bukhamseen group has always been a pioneer in real estate. Mr. Bukhamseen claims 2012 may be the last year of the suffering that Bukhamseen group has gone through since 2008.
Interview with Tariq M. AbdulSalam, Chairman of United Real Estate Company. Real estate activity is a prime activity in Kuwait. The demand for real estate investments in Kuwait is always hot, says Mr. AbdulSalam, who also expects the Kuwaiti real estate sector to remain active in the future to come.
Paulo Nishimura, President of Niplan Engenharia
According to Paulo Nishimura, there are positive developments in the oil and gas, mining and infrastructures sectors. But nowadays, the construction and industry sector has become highly competitive, so the national players, are going through an alert period in terms of competitiveness, even though the future growth scenery is very optimistic.
Interview with Ahmad Saud Al-Sumait, Chairman and Managing Director of United Towers. There are a lot of towers that have come to the GCC market. The United Tower is 270 metres tall, which is not the tallest in Kuwait, but we put emphasis on design.
Sometimes called the Picasso of Brazilian architecture, Oscar Niemeyer, the visionary architect of Brasilia, is still living and still working; he turned 104 in December 2011
David José de Matos, President Director of METRO DF (Metropolitan Company of the Federal District of Brazil)
The plan of Metro DF is to make Brasilia transport more accessible, including subway, since the current figures show that only 150,000 people make use of the subway transport. This is a very small number when taking into account the size of metropolitan Brasilia – 2,5 million citizens.
The growth of the Brazilian economy over the past two decades is astonishing. From one of the third-worlds, inflation-ridden, underdeveloped economies, Brazil has now risen to the ranks of the world’s top six economies.