Business Opportunities

imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08

Logistics in Emerging Markets

Interview with Tarek Sultan, Chairman & Managing Director of Agility.
Agility is a global logistics player with platforms in 120 countries, including the emerging markets. Particularly the Kuwaiti platform is very important to Agility because of the country`s proximity to Iraq. Thanks to its location, Kuwait is going to be a great place to do business in the close future, according to Mr. Sultan.

Ozires Silva: Brazilian Education, Embraer, Innovation & Research

Ozires Silva, Rector of Unimonte and Founder of Embraer
Ozires Silva, current Rector of Unimonte and Founder of Embraer argues that the education system in Brazil should be reformed in order to face a competition that is growing internationally. He also talks about entrepreneurship, the founding of Embraer and the importance of innovation and research for the future of Brazil.

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