PBI Aqaba: “Aqaba Can Be a Great Manufacturing Location in the Middle East”

“The main objective is to be an example for proving to the Jordanian government that Aqaba can be a great manufacturing location. That is something they didn’t believe at all and now they are starting to believe it,” says Sheldon Fink, Chairman & CEO of PBI Aqaba Industrial Estate.

“The main objective is to be an example for proving to the Jordanian government that Aqaba can be a great manufacturing location. That is something they didn’t believe at all and now they are starting to believe it,” says Sheldon Fink, Chairman & CEO of PBI Aqaba Industrial Estate.

“That is good for our business but it is also good for Jordan. Part of the strategy is to say “look at what we are doing and see how it works so that then you can do more of this”.”

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