World Despachos is Turkish Airlines’ Dispatch Agent in Mozambique
Lizete Inalda Dulobo, Client Manager at World Despachos, talks about the recent partnership with Turkish Airlines.
List of all articles filed under “mozambique-transport-logistics” category.
Lizete Inalda Dulobo, Client Manager at World Despachos, talks about the recent partnership with Turkish Airlines.
Lizete Inalda Dulobo, Client Manager at World Despachos, talks about the partnership between World and Qatar Airways.
Luis Roque Aguiar gives an overview of the transportation sector in Mozambique and presents Motrabro, a global logistics services company with branches in Maputo, Nacala, Tete, Beira, Quelimane and Johannesburg. has ranked the largest transport, logistics and warehousing companies in Mozambique.
Marcopolis compiled a list of the top ten sectors to consider for investment in Mozambique. Investment opportunities include agribusiness, real estate, energy, mining, logistics, etc.
Rui Brandão gives an overview of TECAP, a company which provides services and supplies products for agriculture, livestock and agro-industry ; Sodil, a Mozambican import and distribution company ; and Adicional, a logistics company.
Luis Roque Aguiar, Commercial and Development Manager at Motrabro, a global logistics services company, gives his assessment of the transportation sector in Mozambique and presents Motrabro.
Raimundo Maico Diomba mentions some investment opportunities in the Province of Maputo in areas such as agriculture, industry, tourism, transport…
Raimundo Maico Diomba menciona algumas das oportunidades de investimento na Província de Maputo em áreas como agricultura, indústria, turismo, transporte…
Paulo Mata gives an overview of the port sector in Mozambique and presents the Port of Maputo, mentioning its main competitive advantages, projects, investments and future goals.