Mozambique IT: José Murta Shares His Vision for EXI in the Medium Term

José Murta, Managing Director at EXI, shares his vision for the company in the medium term, saying he wants to consolidate EXI’s presence at the government level, as well as grow in the private sector.

José Murta, Managing Director at EXI, shares his vision for the company in the medium term, saying he wants to consolidate EXI’s presence at the government level, as well as grow in the private sector.

“One of our aims is to consolidate our presence at the government level in order to ensure our systems contribute to improving the country’s life, which includes easier conditions for doing business. You need to have reliable flows of information, as well as public workers discipline in providing services to the interested parties: other companies and businesses, other government institutions and the public in general. I think this is a major business opportunity and together we need to find the best ways in order to ensure this becomes feasible and sustainable. There is much to explore in terms of technology and the way we provide business models, etc. At another level, we are aiming to grow in the private sector, particularly in oil and gas. We need to see what’s going to happen, but we believe we can offer good quality local services, based on generally accepted principles when it comes to providing these services; with service-level agreements and the like. We really want to aim for this business and we are waiting to see how things develop. In the meantime, we are proactively setting up relationships with international providers. We are currently deepening our relationship with Oracle, for instance, and we will continue to do so. Of course, we would need to see things pick up on the oil and gas front, in order to be more explicit about what we are dealing with, the companies involved, etc”, says José Murta.

“We enjoy doing this, because we believe it’s very interesting. We try to learn about what’s going on in the world, current trends and what makes sense in this market, in order to blend in maturity and ensure sound interface interplay. It’s quite a challenging thing to do, to combine the technology with the organisation, networks and strategies. It’s an interesting business, which we thoroughly enjoy doing, and we believe that we have done some notable work, which we hope will be more economically useful and visible in future”, he adds.

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