Jordanian Wine Industry – Overview by Zumot Wines (Saint George Wines)

“The Jordanian wine industry has been around for some time now. It went through a major revival twenty years ago. The quality of wine has improved dramatically since 1999 or 2000. In Jordan we produce about 1 million bottles of wine every year,” says Omar Zumot, the Winemaker (Zumot Wines, Saint George).

“The Jordanian wine industry has been around for some time now. It went through a major revival twenty years ago. The quality of wine has improved dramatically since 1999 or 2000. In Jordan we produce about 1 million bottles of wine every year,” says Omar Zumot, the Winemaker (Zumot Wines, Saint George).

“The major market for Jordanian wine is our tourism sector. We sell our wines to tourists who come here and want to explore Jordan and get to know more about the country and its wine. It is part of the gastronomic experience that we offer to the tourists.”

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