Huixquilucan: The Best Municipality to Invest in Mexico

“We are located in the region with the best per capita income of the country, and certainly one of the most important at the Latin American level as well. The municipality of Huixquilucan is indeed the town with the highest development potential in the coming years in Mexico”, says Enrique Vargas del Villar, Mayor of Huixquilucan.

Interview with Enrique Vargas del Villar, Mayor of Huixquilucan

Enrique Vargas del Villar, Mayor of Huixquilucan

The municipality of Huixquilucan is one of the areas with the greatest opportunities for investment, not only in Mexico’s Metropolitan Zone but in all of Mexico. It’s also one of the fastest growing municipalities in the country’s recent years; its large university (Anahuac University), large residential developments (La Herradura, Bosque Real, Tecamachalco), large shopping centers (Interlomas, Magnocentro, Paseo Interlomas) and high quality hospitals (Hospital Angeles) make it one of the most developed and promising municipalities in the country. To what can you owe this fantastic growth, and how does Huixquilucan’s strategic location inspire an increasing number of individuals and businesses to want to relocate there?

Huixquilucan is the connection point between the Western part of the State of Mexico and the Western part of Mexico City. We are located in the region with the best per capita income of the country, and certainly one of the most important at the Latin American level as well. The municipality of Huixquilucan is indeed the town with the highest development potential in the coming years in Mexico. Sixty percent of the Jewish community lives in Huixquilucan, and that is expected to increase in the coming years to 75% to 80%. In addition to everything already present such as shopping malls, residential areas and hospitals, we are beginning the construction of the Pan American University in the coming months. It will be the second largest university in the country, behind CU. Likewise, the Club de Golf Bosque Real is bigger than all of Santa Fe – these are some examples of the municipality of Huixquilucan’s potential. This undoubtedly places us as the most important municipality in the country as well the most attractive place to invest.

We know that the municipality of Huixquilucan is known for its illustrious past, its prosperity and competitiveness. You recently mentioned, “there will be no place for the corrupted nor for any simulators, much less for loafers, and no more ‘aviators’ in the municipal government.” Besides these firm sentiments, can you tell us more about your short and medium term projects?

It is indeed necessary to promote an entrepreneurial Huixquilucan that gives opportunities to talented people and encourages the launching of new projects that are bent on improving the quality of life. We want to promote our social economy, allowing people and businesses to constantly innovate.

We are located in the region with the best per capita income of the country, and certainly one of the most important at the Latin American level as well. The municipality of Huixquilucan is indeed the town with the highest development potential in the coming years in Mexico.

For the long term, it’s the subject of roads that will prevail. We need to address our road building projects over the next 20 years for our municipality. In the short term, we’ll focus on road adjustments as well. The issue of security is also vital; in the very short term we must increase the number of patrols. In the traditional zone and in the more popular neighborhoods, all schools need their restrooms renovated with the “clean bathroom” program, and also, they need computers and the teaching of a second language such as English. Those are some of the most important projects we have for the municipality.

With your vast experience, please describe the top priorities and challenges you face as Mayor of Huixquilucan?

As a priority, Huixquilucan’s vocation is to be a community. This is our backbone. We live in a community where I would like for everyone to contribute, for all to participate and where everyone must be heard. If we are able to exercise and practice these principles every day, we can obtain very important results.

Speaking of challenges, the financial issue is a very important issue. We have taken over a financially broken municipality. The challenge is to restructure it, so that by the end of my term it is the most solvent and important city in the whole country.

Please comment on what you think Huixquilucan’s main investment opportunities are, for national and international investors?

First of all, in Mexico we are becoming increasingly aware that there are a lot of opportunities for investing in our country. First, we have increasingly qualified human resources, and thanks to this, investments are much safer. Also, the will of the government is to fully support investments. I think one should definitely invest in Huixquilucan, first thanks to our location in the world’s second most populated metropolitan area, second, because we have access roads that allow us to connect and interact with “clusters” of technological development, research and manufacturing areas, and third, because in having an existing university plus another in the process of development, we can provide qualified human resources for any industry or company, particularly nonpolluting ones that want to settle here, or the “back offices” of many companies and industries that might want to settle here. Above all, we are located in a part of the metropolitan area that is noted for having many headquarters of multinational, globally known and relevant companies for our country.

Within all the current developments in the municipality of Huixquilucan, there are many opportunities for national and international investors. Also, we would like to bring more private, government supported investments in clean industries to the municipality. We want to build some power plants, since the future of the world is precisely about energy. We want to bring many businesses here, and want to combine government and municipality with the projects for energy, and with this, all national and international investors interested in investing in the energy sector are welcome. I also want to emphasize that we intend to support and facilitate processes for national and international investors. I intend to personally see all projects and not only allow someone to start or take over a new business by giving facilities but also give true support; we are not only facilitators, but reliable managers who want to see to the success of our town. It is clear to me that to start companies what is also needed is speed for obtaining all necessary permissions. At the Municipality in Huixquilucan, we guarantee that in less than ten working days, an investor should obtain all necessary permissions.

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