Gulf Bank Wins Again!

Gulf Bank won the ‘Best HR Strategy in line with Business’ and ‘Excellence in Training’ awards at the Asia’s Best Employer Brand Awards ceremony in Singapore.

Gulf Bank - Asia Best Employer Awards

Kuwait, 28 August 2012: Gulf Bank, a provider of the best and fastest service in Kuwait, announced that it has won the ‘Best HR Strategy in line with Business’ and ‘Excellence in Training’ awards at the Asia’s Best Employer Brand Awards ceremony held in Singapore. The Bank received the awards at a gala dinner, which was attended by guests from prestigious regional and international organizations and financial institutions.

“This recognition is a further endorsement of our efforts to give our employees the support and resources they need to develop their skills on all professional levels.”


The Bank won the award for ‘Best HR Strategy in line with Business’ for the success of its HR strategy and its delivery by the Bank’s HR team. The ‘Excellence in Training’ award was in acknowledgement of Gulf Bank’s exceptional commitment and effort in developing employees’ skills to help them provide excellent customer service and achieve increased customer satisfaction.

Fatemah Al Sabah, Senior Manager, HR, who received the awards at the ceremony on behalf of the Bank, said: “We are very proud to receive these prestigious awards from the Asia’s Best Brands Awards committee. This recognition is a further endorsement of our efforts to give our employees the support and resources they need to develop their skills on all professional levels.

“Gulf Bank has always believed in an HR policy that measures consistent improvement through organizational health and which actively encourages its employees to learn new skills to assist the Bank in achieving its business objectives. We value teamwork and empowerment and we will continue to focus on these aspects as we work with our employees in developing their knowledge and abilities. On behalf of Gulf Bank, I would like to thank the judging panel for their selection of Gulf Bank as this year’s winner of ‘Best HR Strategy in line with Business’ and ‘Excellence in Training’ awards.”

The Asia`s Best Employer Brand Awards are made annually and are hosted by Employer Branding Institute; World HRD Congress & Stars of the Industry Group, with CMO Asia as a Strategic Partner and Endorsed by Asian Confederation of Businesses.


This press release has been issued by Gulf Bank.

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