Customs Clearance: Vision for the Future of World Despachos

Lizete Inalda Dulobo, Client Manager at World Despachos, shares her vision for the future of the company and talks about expansion plans.

Lizete Inalda Dulobo, Client Manager at World Despachos, shares her vision for the future of the company and talks about expansion plans.

“I would like to be able to call World Despachos the number one company in this field. I hope to continue making clients happy, and hopefully find bigger headquarters. I would also like to see World Despachos reach an international level, because many times, when we deliver goods internationally, we depend on other companies and we do not know if they are taking good care of such goods. So if we had agencies abroad, we wouldn’t need help delivering”, says Lizete Inalda Dulobo.

“I would like to open branch offices all over really: China, Portugal, South Africa or Angola. I’m sure those would be as good as home”, she adds.

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