Creation of a Land Management Application for the American Government

José Murta, Managing Director at EXI, talks about one of the company’s flagship projects: the creation of a land management application for the American Government.

José Murta, Managing Director at EXI, talks about one of the company’s flagship projects: the creation of a land management application for the American Government.

“I would say that’s a flagship project for the company, because it was very successful. The American government had a program in place to develop the North of the country and its infrastructure, where they sought to register 150,000 pieces of land, as well as distribute land use rights. This project required a software, for which they issued a tender. We won this tender and developed the application over a year to meet the project’s requirements. This application was to be controlled by a British company specialising in land matters, called HTSPE (nowadays DAI). It was a very successful project and it is still underway, in that we continue to provide service for maintaining the application through its life cycle. It all went very well and I believe that they were quite happy with our performance”, says José Murta.

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