Côte d’Ivoire Foreign Affairs: Regional Integration of Côte d’Ivoire (UEMOA & ECOWAS)

The integration of Côte d’Ivoire happens through 2 groups. The West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), comprises 8 countries – including Côte d’Ivoire – and was created in 1962.

Daniel Kablan Duncan, minister of foreign affairs, talks about the regional integration. 

The integration of Côte d’Ivoire happens through 2 groups. The West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA ), comprises 8 countries – including Côte d’Ivoire – and was created in 1962. These countries possessed a common currency before euro even existed. The union has a common external tariff. The UEMOA groups approximately 75 million inhabitants.

Second group is ECOWAS, a market of 205 consumers that includes other countries (Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria). This group is less integrated and advanced as the UEMOA in terms of policy. But there is a clear will and ambition of the states to go ahead with the integration. If the ECOWAS region was one state, it would be the 5th largest power in the world.

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