UAE Interviews

List of all articles filed under “uae-interviews” category.

Fujairah International Airport Leading Airport in Fujairah

Dr. Khaled Almazroui, General Manager of Fujairah International Airport Fujairah International Airport does contribute to and help the emirate of Fujairah as an airport to provide good services to the travelers. When travelers come to Fujairah International Airport, the first thing is their impression of that airport. And as travelers, like you and I are, usually you remember the airport of the city you are flying to; you remember the services, even how the counters looked, you remember all these things.

UAE Telecom Market: Telecommunication Regulatory Authority

H.E. Mohamed Al Ghanim, Board Member & Director General of Telecommunication Regulatory Authority First of all, there is the investment side of the telecom infrastructure. Right now, we have a lot of areas in which companies need to go and invest in order to lay down the telecom infrastructure. We believe that the best way forward for competition should be on a service level rather than on a facility level.

Muath A. Jalil

General Manager of Rasyat Real EstateI am not saying we are only short – we are suffering from the short supply. To recover from that short supply, we need a minimum of more than 6 years of development to cover such a supply. As has been planned by one of the codes of the Urban Planning Council, so far up to this year, there is a 270 billion US dollars project launch, and there is another one expected within the next two years of 190 billion US dollars, to be launched again for more projects.

Lesley Sayle

Central Project Officer of Union PropertiesMotorcity is the first project of its kind in the world. It’s been operational for about three and a half years. It started with the Dubai Autodrome, which is the racetrack. It’s developed into a development that consists of five components. Dubai Autodrome is the first one that we launched, about three and a half years ago, and we’ve been hosting a number of races; there’s also the race school with a race track.

Dubai Airports

Paul Griffits, CEO of Dubai Airports I really want Dubai Airports to rightfully assume the crown as being the best airport company in the world. Airport companies are not known for delivering excellence in any way, shape or form. Most of them are heavily criticised by their users and I want people to be saying “why can’t you do this like Dubai” in Heathrow or “in Dubai they’ve managed to sort this problem out” and we want to really be a shining beacon to the world. If Dubai Airports achieve that then, certainly.

Sharjah Tourism, Cultural Tourism

Mohamed Ali Al Noman, Director General of Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority Sharjah is well known to be a dry state, hence the Sharjah Cultural Tourism.Having said that, it has nice entertainment developed for families and Culture Tourism. Sharjah tries to have a lot of cultural activities. For example, a while back, four months ago we had Sharjah Heritage Days which coincided with United Nations Culture Days. There is also Sharjah Theatre Days, Sharjah Book Fair, and more.

Dubai Tourism Destination

Khalid A. Bin Sulayem, Director General of Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing Dubai Tourism numbers are quite high but Dubai Tourism uses another indicator: the contribution of tourism in Dubai economy is around 30% including both direct and indirect factors. If you take the global contribution of tourism to the economy it’s 10%. In addition, Dubai has one of the highest occupancy rates in the world now. These are strong indicators, which encourage Dubai and people abroad to invest in this sector.

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