Hudson: Advisory Services, Corporate Investment Banking and Asset Management
Kadi Fadika-Coulibaly mentions some of the reasons why Hudson & Cie is different compared to other companies in the sector.
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Kadi Fadika-Coulibaly mentions some of the reasons why Hudson & Cie is different compared to other companies in the sector.
Côte d’Ivoire, or Ivory Coast in English, is a country located in West Africa. It receives its name from the European traders of the 19th century because it was one of the chief centers of the ivory trade. The nationals of Côte d’Ivoire are called Ivorians.
René Decurey, General Manager of Air Côte d’Ivoire, gives his assessment of the present state of the aviation sector in Ivory Coast and the surrounding region, and talks about the company’s dream for Abidjan to become a regional hub.
For Ivory Coast that’s an 8 to 9% growth that should last for a few years, but I think that we, the Central Bank and regional authorities, should make more efforts to further strengthen banks’ equity, so that we have the real capacity to support the economy.
Pour la Côte d’Ivoire, on connait une croissance de 8 à 9 % et cela devrait durer au cours des prochaines années, mais je pense que nous, la Banque Centrale et les autorités de la région, devrons faire plus d’efforts pour demander à ce que les fonds propres des banques soient encore renforcés, de sorte que nous ayons la capacité réelle d’accompagner l’économie.
When you want to encourage processing, when you want investors to come for that purpose, you create conditions in the fiscal framework, in relation to the cost-efficiency of production, so that domestic and foreign investors want to come here.
Quand on veut encourager la transformation, quand on veut que les investisseurs viennent réaliser, on crée des conditions dans le cadre fiscal, par rapport à la maîtrise des coûts des facteurs de production, pour que les investisseurs nationaux ou étrangers trouvent un intérêt à venir transformer ici.
In Abidjan, we have focused on the state’s e-governance project, with an ambition to start this year the portal for all administrative procedures, at first informational, then secondly provide e-services that will allow interaction with the citizens. Those also allow us to provide electronic ways to request birth certificates, copies of diplomas, etc.
Notre stratégie est de capitaliser sur les segments où notre expertise est reconnue, sur la grande clientèle. C’est également de descendre d’un cran et d’aller sur le marché des PME. Bien entendu en ne sacrifiant pas notre politique des risques.
Jean-Marie Ackah, President of SIPRA and President of UGE (Union des Grandes Entreprises Industrielles de Côte d’Ivoire), gives an overview of the industrial sector in Ivory Coast.