Ethiopia Interviews

List of all articles filed under “ethiopia-interviews” category.

Exploring the gold mining potential of Ethiopia | MIDROC Ethiopia Technology Group

Dr. Arega Yirdaw, CEO of MIDROC Ethiopia Technology Group
MIDROC Ethiopia Technology Group reached more than 5 billion Birr of sales in 2013 (as oppossed to 3.5 billion Birr three years ago) and currently employs about 7,000 workers. The main factor for the group’s success is the sale of gold…

2014 will be challenging for Ethiopian coffee producers and exporters, says Addis Exporter

Michael Mamo, Managing Director of Addis Exporter
“There are more investments in farming and more coffee exporters are actually getting into the coffee trade in Ethiopia. However 2014 is going to be a very challenging year because the international market price has dropped dramatically and our local market situation remains difficult. The local market price is often higher than the international and for farmers, if they don’t make money, they aren’t going to produce coffee,” explains Mr Mamo.

Drilling machinery for infrastructure projects in Ethiopia and East Africa | Baraton Trade Plc.

Aboma Taye, Managing Director of Baraton Trade Plc
Baraton Trade started 6 years ago with a capital of about 500,000 US dollars and has grown by at least 10 times ever since into one of the leading suppliers of drilling machines for mostly infrastructure projects in Ethiopia, representing 6 foreign brands such as Japanese Furukawa and Airman. The aim now is to set up a solid base for these brands in the whole of East Africa.

Derba Cement: Leader of the cement industry in Ethiopia

Haile Assegide, Executive Director of Derba MIDROC Cement (Midroc Group Ethiopia)
Door-to-door delivery, good quality and low price — those define Derba Cement as the leader of the cement production in Ethiopia. While the demand for the cement keeps on growing by 22-23%, Derba also wants to enter the local steel market, open a real estate company and a tiles business — all to solve the problems they encounter on a daily basis.

Ethiopian banking market remains untapped despite fast growth, says Oromia International Bank

Abie Sano Mehamed, President of Oromia International Bank
While Ethiopian population reaches almost 100 million the size of the banking market lags behind and remains very small – only 19 banks. Oromia International Bank first opened the doors on October 25, 2008 and since then the bank has experienced rapid growth; opening 26 branches in the first 8 months of operations. For the time being, Oromia International Bank remains the fastest growing bank in the history of Ethiopia.

Marble industry is a very profitable business in Ethiopia, says MOAB Plc

Abeba Tesfaye, Managing Directress of MOAB Plc, GIRUM Food Complex
MOAB Plc and Girum Food Complex want to diversify their local production and include production of other nutritious foods like supplemental foods for children, lactating mothers and rehab patients, all to substitute for imports. MOAB is also present in the marble industry in Ethiopia. To develop its marble project, the company is looking for international partners with experience and technology required for the marble processing.

Ethiopian aviation industry to meet the international aviation standards in 2014

Colonel Wosenyelh Hunegnaw, Director General of Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority
The role of the Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority is no different from the role of any other civil aviation authorities worldwide. The Authority regulates the airlines and aerodromes, and provides air navigation services. The plan and vision of the regulator is to meet the international aviation standards in 2014.

Developing the real estate market in Addis Ababa — GIFT Real Estate

Gebreyesus Igata, Owner and General Manager of GIFT Real Estate Company
GIFT Real Estate Company was established 9 year ago and is currently developing 160,000 square meters of land in the eastern part of Addis Ababa. The project entails construction of villa houses, townhoses and different apartment houses. While 70% of the are has already been developed, Mr Igata expects to develop the rest within the next three years.

Ethiopian Investment Agency: One-stop investment center for investors in Ethiopia

Fitsum Arega, Director General of Ethiopian Investment Agency
Ethiopian Investment Agency confirms horticulture (flowers), agriculture and manufacturing (textiles, leather) attract majority of FDI flows into Ethiopia. The Agency is currently working hard to transform itself into a one-stop investment center for investors.

Organic coffee from Ethiopia: Aleta Land Coffee

Habtamu Silla, General Manager of Aleta Land Coffee
“Our family has been in the coffee business for over 14 years. We have coffee washing stations, farms and sun drying coffee factories, so we really know about the coffee that we grow. Our coffee is organic and of excellent quality,” asserts Mr Silla. Established in 2005, Aleta Land Coffee exports organic coffee to the US, Europe, Asia (Japan) and the Middle East.

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