CapeRay – Mammography Devices Manufacturer from South Africa

“CapeRay is a spin out company from the University of Cape Town. It spun out 6 years ago. The focus of the company is the detection of breast cancer; we have developed imaging products that are specifically geared towards women who have dense breast tissue,” says Dr Kit Vaughan, CEO of CapeRay.

“CapeRay is a spin out company from the University of Cape Town. It spun out 6 years ago. The focus of the company is the detection of breast cancer; we have developed imaging products that are specifically geared towards women who have dense breast tissue,” says Dr Kit Vaughan, CEO of CapeRay.

“The three products that you referred to are: one product which is x-ray only, the second is both x-ray and ultrasound and the third product which has not yet been developed combines three dimensional x-ray with three dimensional ultrasound.”

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