Ayla Oasis – Helping Jordan Become a Full Tourism Destination

“We remain optimistic and resilient. I think the word resilient here is very important. Jordan has seen many adversities, not in Jordan but in neighbouring countries,” explains Sahl Dudin, Managing Director of Ayla Oasis Development Company, which is currently undertaking the leading real estate development on the Red Sea.

“We remain optimistic and resilient. I think the word resilient here is very important. Jordan has seen many adversities, not in Jordan but in neighbouring countries,” explains Sahl Dudin, Managing Director of Ayla Oasis Development Company, which is currently undertaking the leading real estate development on the Red Sea.

“However Jordan does remain resilient and fuelled by its wise leadership and its security. Jordan is a very secure country for tourism and for foreign direct investment. Our stability and security is very important for our resiliency.”

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