TIC: Tanzania’s Government Policies to Grow More Competitive

Clifford Tandari, Acting Executive Director of Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC), explains why the policies of the government are set to grow more competitive.

Clifford Tandari, Acting Executive Director of Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC), explains why the policies of the government are set to grow more competitive.

“Actually, we are implementing the policies for the ruling party. We are implementing contracts between the voters. The current government is for pro-reform. They are talking about industrialization in order to bring about their vision for 2025 and to be able to achieve the regional East African Community agenda for 2063. The SADC (Southern African Development Community) is verging on the strategic dominant plan to also be able to implement the AU 2063 agenda which is about industrialization. They want to do this within the UN framework of the sustainable development goals in order to implement them”, says Clifford Tandari.

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