A Historical Palace in the Center of Cairo: Cairo Marriott Hotel

“Gardens at Cairo Marriott Hotel really transport you away from the reality of everyday life in Cairo,” explains Richard S. Zeolla, general manager of Cairo Marriott Hotel & Omar Khayyam Casino.

“The palace is one of the most unique pieces, but also you just have to look at the grounds. You couldn’t recreate this,” says Richard S. Zeolla, general manager of Cairo Marriott Hotel & Omar Khayyam Casino. “Gardens at Cairo Marriott Hotel really transport you away from the reality of everyday life in Cairo,” he continues.

Cairo Marriott Hotel is a perfect blend of historic and modern: “We have a wide variety of facilities, especially if you are here on a longer stay or you are on a project, you can eat in a different restaurant every day for two weeks and not have to duplicate yourself. So, we really do see ourselves as a kind of an oasis downtown,” adds Zeolla.

The hotel is certainly well equipped to retain its status of the best hotel in the city: “Another thing that really kind of tells us apart is that we are not only a palace, but the facilities that we offer are palace-sized. We have got 1,100 rooms in inventory, so we are really well equipped to handle many different functions at the same time without people getting in each other’s way. Inventory is not an issue for us,” he concludes.

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