SIMAT: Evolution and Challenges of the Logistics Sector in Ivory Coast

Stéphane Eholie, Chief Executive Officer of SIMAT, gives an overview of the logistics sector in Ivory Coast and mentions the remaining challenges to be faced.

Stéphane Eholie, Chief Executive Officer of SIMAT (Société Ivoirienne de Manutention et de Transit), gives an overview of the logistics sector in Ivory Coast and mentions the remaining challenges to be faced.

“The field of logistics is now industrial. There are two important areas to improve: one being the state of the roads, and the other one being the customs regulations regarding new equipment that is more productive and secure. In my opinion these are the two main things that need to be addressed so that the transport and logistics sector can be more dynamic and for it to represent a larger percentage of the national GDP”, explains Stéphane Eholie.

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