Real Estate

imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Ghanaian Real Estate Industry: Spike Boaitey Jnr Chronicles the Evolution of SBJ Properties

In this interview, Spike Boaitey Jnr shares insights into the evolution of SBJ Properties since its inception in 2008. From its roots in real estate marketing to the current portfolio of diverse developments, Spike Boaitey Jnr discusses the strategic choices, competitive advantages, and the promising landscape of the Ghanaian real estate industry.

Elevating Excellence in Accra’s Real Estate Scene: Youssef Aitour of i2 Development Ghana Unveils Prestige

Youssef Aitour shares his perspective on the current state of the real estate sector in Ghana, and unveils Prestige, a development by i2 Development Ghana designed for those who seek the finest in residential living and provides a prime commercial space for businesses and investors looking to thrive in Accra’s newest elite neighbourhood of Kotoka International Airport.

Jazeera Paints is the Official Sponsor of Saudi-Egyptian Real Estate Conference SEREC

Jazeera Paints participated as the official sponsor of the recently held Saudi-Egyptian Real Estate Conference, on November 23, in Riyadh, under the title “Cooperation, Not Competition”, which gathered main governmental entities, private sector developers, inventors, and professionals in the real estate industry, to enhance investment opportunities between Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

“دهانات الجزيرة” راعياً رسمياً في المؤتمر السعودي المصري للاستثمار العقاري

شاركت “دهانات الجزيرة”، الشركة الرائدة في عالم الدهانات والألوان والحلول الإنشائية في المملكة والشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، في المؤتمر السعودي المصري للاستثمار العقاري بصفتها الراعي الرسمي، والذي انعقد مؤخراً بالعاصمة الرياض في نسخته الأولى تحت عنوان “تكامل لا تنافس”، حيث جمع هذا الحدث الجهات الحكومية الرئيسية ومطوري القطاعات الخاصة والمستثمرين والمحترفين في صناعة العقارات بهدف تعزيز فرص الاستثمار بين البلدين.

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