
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:06

What’s a Political Society to do? Al-Wefaq’s Decay

Bahrain Top Stories
What’s a Political Society to do? Al-Wefaq’s Decay
When Al-Wefaq’s General Secretary, Ali Salman, established the party – Bahrain’s largest – he couldn’t have guessed that the hopeful group which brought all coalitions in the Shiite community together with academics and influential persons would, just a few years later, be rapidly decaying in its membership and influence.

The Bahraini Political Crisis: Reconciling the Narratives

Bahrain Top Stories
The Bahraini Political Crisis: Reconciling the Narratives
Three major narratives compete for dominance in explaining Bahrain’s post-2011 political crisis: the narrative of foreign interference/instigation, the narrative of sectarian discrimination and conflict, and those who insist the sectarian narrative has been invented to divert attention away from a revolution of the entire- or at least most of- the population.

An Interview with Nechirvan Barzani: The Priority is to Achieve Self-Sufficiency within the new Federal Iraq

The government of Kurdistan Region is doing everything necessary to achieve self-sufficiency of the Region within the new federal Iraq. Kurdistan Region is well-known for its investment-friendly law thanks to which the Investment Board of Kurdistan has been so far able to attract more than $22 billion of investments since 2006. Mr. Barzani also stresses the importance of understanding and recognition of the difficulties the Region had to overcome in the past.

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