Libyan Steel Industry: Facing the Global Challenges
Chairman of Libyan Iron & Steel Company (LISCO) Dr. Mohamed Abdulmalik Elfigih discusses the outlook for the global steel industry, challenges and the role of LISCO in the reconstruction of Libya.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07
Chairman of Libyan Iron & Steel Company (LISCO) Dr. Mohamed Abdulmalik Elfigih discusses the outlook for the global steel industry, challenges and the role of LISCO in the reconstruction of Libya.
Chairman of Libyan Iron & Steel Company (LISCO) Dr. Mohamed Abdulmalik Elfigih discusses the business climate in Libya.
View an exclusive interview with Abdel-Qader Mohamed Ahmed Al-Ayib, Minister of Transportation. The minister is discussing the investment road-map and the vision for the ministry.
View an exclusive interview with Abdel-Qader Mohamed Ahmed Al-Ayib, Minister of Transportation. The minister is discussing the current state of transportation sector in Libya.
Ahmed I. Rajab, General Manager of Jumhouria Bank, the largest bank in Libya
Jumhouria Bank is the largest bank in Libya and was the result of a merger between Al Ummah Bank and Jumhouria Bank. Now we have a total capital of about 1 billion Libyan dinar and total assets for 2012 of 33 billion Libyan dinar on the balance sheet and 12 billion dinar off the balance sheet for a total of about 44 billion Libyan dinar.
Libya Top Stories
Libyan economy making slow but steady strides under new government amid political and security threats
Particularly after years of dictatorial control that wasted billions in energy wealth and where the new government and evolving private sector are trying to invest into reconstruction, services, infrastructure and community development while facing heavy challenges to ensure a safe business environment and transition toward an untested political culture of democracy.
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Libyan Politics: Moderation Amid Anti-Democratic Opposition from Islamist Factions
At least in the legislature, Libya has not gone the same route as neighboring Egypt, instead has electing a “moderate” – the word being relative – parliament and leadership.
Jumhouria Bank is the largest and the leading bank in Libya. Jumhouria bank is the result of the merger between both Umma & Jumhouria bank.
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Current Security Situation in Libya | Latest Overview
At question on the issue of security in Libya, is exactly how chaotic is the country; can foreign business operate there safely, and are those clashes that take place being overly headlined by the news media?
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Investing into Libya: An Era of Transition
Eng. G.I. Guider, the head of Libya’s Privatization and Investment Board (PIB) aptly points out that the country is starting from a zero point in establishing business privatization and encouraging private investment capital.