
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Top Logistics & Shipping Companies in Egypt

The following list of the top logistics & shipping companies in Egypt has been chosen according to the size, facilities and scope of services that rank the below companies as the top logistics & shipping companies in the country. The list of the top logistics & shipping companies in Egypt is topped by the leading container terminal on the Suez Canal: SCCT (Suez Canal Container Terminal).

Top Banks in Libya

Top Banks in Libya presents top banks in Libya.
Prior to the 2011 revolution that resulted in the overthrow of long-term dictator, virtually the entire banking sector in Libya was dominated by the state-run banks, with partial privatization of Sahara Bank and Wahda Bank. After the revolution, the banking sector in Libya still dominated by the state-owned banks.

Kurdistan’s Largest Companies | List of Top Companies in Iraq’s Kurdistan presents a list of the largest companies in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The emphasis is on local, mostly private sector companies. Most of the largest companies in Kurdistan are large diversified conglomerates with a mix of foreign and local capital.
Among the top 10 list are 2 telecom operators, 1 bank and 7 diversified conglomerates. Most of the labor force is employed in the public sector (more than 50%), thus the private sector in Kurdistan represents less than 50% of the economy. Due to lack of reliable data and statistics the main limitation of the list is that it does not provide the exact ranking from largest to smallest, rather it should be regarded as a general overview of the main players from different sectors of the economy in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

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