
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:06

Goran Net: Interview with Goran Net

Mr. Noori discusses various regulations that could facilitate their operation in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. These regulations include removal of every monopoly and privatization of land lines and cables. Also, there is a great need for a total review of all the 21 licenses issued by the Ministry of Communication. Nevertheless, the fiber-optic network in Kurdistan is witnessing a rapid expansion and progress at the moment.

Investor’s Viewpoint: “Iraqi Stocks” Investment Worth the Risk

Mark DeWeaver, Principal at Quantrarian Capital Management
Iraq is set to experience rapid economic growth due to several factors including enormous untapped, low-cost oil reserves, recovery from a civil war, a transition from a state-controlled economy to a market economy, and excess demand for almost everything. Whether compared to Russia in the early 90’s or to the story of the Chinese economy, Iraq, including the Kurdistan Region, is a powerful emerging market. Mr. DeWeaver views the case of Iraq as one in which the potential reward by far exceeds the risks.

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