Fecomercio Alagoas: Investment Opportunities in Alagoas
Wilton Malta de Almeida, President of Fecomercio Alagoas, talks about the role of the Federation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism and discusses investment opportunities in Alagoas.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07
Wilton Malta de Almeida, President of Fecomercio Alagoas, talks about the role of the Federation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism and discusses investment opportunities in Alagoas.
Pedro Nadaf, President of Fecomercio Mato Grosso
The President of Fecomercio MT, Pedro Nadaf, talks about the agro-industry, which is the economical strength of Mato Grosso and discusses the importance of exports for the economy. He also mentions a few challenges and lists some interesting investment opportunities.
Teté Bezerra talks about the state’s focus on the upcoming event of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, which brings some challenges, but also some interesting investment opportunities in the hotel industry, gastronomy, or theme parks for example.
Pedro Nadaf, President of Fecomercio MT, talks about international investments in the state of Mato Grosso. These investments have been booming recently and they are coming from all over the world like China, India and Europe.
Mário Marroquim, Director of Marroquim Engenharia, discusses the fact that a large number of investors are currently coming to Marroquim to manage their businesses.
With the economy booming at unprecedented rate the construction and contracting sector in Kurdistan experienced unparalleled boom over the past 5 years.
Citing just a few short facts in addition to the oil reserves: the region is tipped to hit a 12% contribution to the region’s GDP by 2013; the autonomous region boasts with 450 major projects valued at $21 Billion, of which at least 20% is being funded in part through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) .
Rui França, State Secretary of Communication
Alagoas State Secretary of Communication, Rui França, talks about the national and international image of the Northeastern Brazilian State. He also mentions some of the actions being taken to improve this image and attract more tourists and investors.
João Raimundo Colombo, Governor of Santa Catarina
The Governor of Santa Catarina, João Raimundo Colombo, presents the State. He talks about its economy and the investments that are being made. He also mentions some of the great potentials and challenges Santa Catarina is facing.
Santa Catarina is a privileged land that combines quality of life and economic robustness. The State is full of opportunities, attracting high profile investors, in many different economic sectors.
Rodrigo Prisco Paraíso, Manager of the Department for International Economics (Santa Catarina’s Foreign Affairs Office)
Rodrigo Prisco Paraíso from Santa Catarina’s Foreign Affairs Office talks about the main assets of the State in terms of investment and mentions some opportunities for foreign investors and challenges to overcome. He also talks about the role of the International Department.