
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Ponea Health: A Global 3-Sided Marketplace Connecting Patients, Healthcare Professionals and Partners

Michael Macharia explains how the Ponea Heatlh concept was born. Ponea is Africa’s first global 3-sided marketplace connecting patients, healthcare professionals and partners, made in Kenya. Ponea’s strategy is to remove all the friction involved in accessing, providing and paying for health and well-being care for people of all demographics anywhere in the world, through a transparent and easy to use platform.

Real Estate: Cornerstone Developments Aims to Become a Legacy Developer, in Ghana and Beyond

Joe Leslie Obeng-John discusses latest news related to Cornerstone Developments, a real estate developer known for combining efficient, functional and aesthetically pleasing designs with premium luxurious finishing, as well as a green approach to construction. He also mentions some of Cornerstone’s projects in Accra and shares his vision for the company to become a legacy developer, in Ghana and beyond.

Ghana Medical Sector: Africano Health to Expand its Manufacturing Base as Part of Agenda 111

Mohamed Elkaliouby shares his assessment of the healthcare sector in Ghana and talks about recent changes and developments to the medical sector since the pandemic started. He also gives an overview of Africano Health, a company specialized in supplying medical furniture and equipment, and shares his projects and vision for the future of the sector and company.

Manufacturing Sector in East Africa: Kunal Patel Presents Comply Industries and Ustawi Grain Millers

Kunal Patel gives an overview of Comply Industries, a company specialized in particle board and medium-density fibreboard furniture in East Africa and established in Kenya for the last 25 years, as well as Ustawi Grain Millers, a company established in 2020 with an aim to be a prominent market player in the wheat flour and maize flour sector. Sarrai Group is a conglomerate of diverse and inter-related agro-manufacturing companies across East and Southern Africa.

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