L’Assurance Maladie : Un Element Indispensable Selon Elisabeth Akpess de la SCCONAS
Elisabeth Akpess, Directrice Santé chez SCCONAS Assurances, explique pourquoi les contrats d’assurance maladie sont indispensables.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07
Elisabeth Akpess, Directrice Santé chez SCCONAS Assurances, explique pourquoi les contrats d’assurance maladie sont indispensables.
Vakaramoko Samaké évoque les tendances du marché du courtage d’assurance en Côte d’Ivoire, et présente SCCONAS Assurances, ses domaines d’activité, sa stratégie, ses priorités et ses ambitions à moyen terme.
Vakaramoko Samaké, Directeur Général de SCCONAS Assurances, partage son évaluation du secteur du courtage d’assurance en Côte d’Ivoire.
“Since 2015, we have grown steadily. The focus was to grow our corporate niche and also to improve the retail base. At Saham, we have worked to increase the possibility of getting more retail business by recruiting more sales agents who are on the ground bringing in retail accounts.”
There are about 27 non-life insurance players in Ghana’s insurance industry. “There are more companies coming onboard every day. There will be three more licensed in the next few months. The competition is very keen and very fierce.”
Activa International Insurance Ghana aims to extend their networks within the country. The insurance company would like to establish their own branches as well as expand on the cooperation with agencies. Activa is also considering the segment of online sales.
Speaking at the 2017 Ghana Economic Forum on the theme “Building a Ghanaian Owned Economy, 60 years on, The Role of Insurance”, Lartey mentioned 10 critical things that insurance will do to improve economic development if proper attention is given to its essence in the economy.
Marcopolis.net has compiled list of top insurance companies in Ghana. National Insurance Commission (NIC Ghana) states that as of June 2016, there are 26 non-life insurance companies operating in Ghana, along with 23 life insurance companies, 3 reinsurance companies, and 7,000 insurance agents.
Mamadou Kone partage son évaluation du secteur des assurances en Côte d’Ivoire et sur l’ensemble du continent africain, et présente Allianz Côte d’Ivoire Assurances Vie, ses projets et sa vision pour le futur du secteur et d’Allianz.
Mamadou Kone, Directeur Général d’Allianz Côte d’Ivoire Assurances Vie, explique quelles sont les grandes tendances actuelles en matière d’assurance sur le marché africain.