
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:06

Demand for Air Travel in Saudi Arabia Will Grow

“Those big infrastructure projects that are catering to a growing economy suggest that demand on air travel and traveling between various parts of Saudi Arabia is going to grow. The government recognized that and has put aside many billions of dollars to improve its international airports and its local airports,” says Dr. Ahmed Sindi, General Manager of SATCO.

Doing Business in Saudi Arabia is the Easiest According to Zamil

Abdul Rahman Al-Zamil, Chairman of Zamil Group
Without any hesitation I can tell you that doing business in Saudi Arabia is the easiest of all of these countries. Easy business doesn’t mean only government procedures.

Construction Sector in Saudi Arabia: Economic Cities worth US$ 69 Billion

Dr. Ahmed Sindi, General Manager of SATCO
The Saudi Arabian economy has taken significant strides. The government has invested a lot of money in building a huge amount of infrastructure, such as airports, cities, and the like. Our company, SATCO, being a classified contracting company with a first classification, stands to benefit significantly from the extensive opportunities in construction in particular and also in other divisions of our work.

Infrastructure in Brazil: Infrastructure, Mobility and Logistics Projects

Wagner Colombini Martins, President of Logit
Wagner Colombini Martins gives his assessment of the engineering consultancy sector within the areas of logistics, mobility and infrastructure in Brazil, and discusses investment opportunities in this segment. He also presents his company, Logit, mentioning some success cases, but also the challenges to be faced and his vision for the future.

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