Health care

imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08

Beirut Eye Specialist Hospital on Medical Tourism in Lebanon

The only way Beirut Eye Specialist Hospital can compete with the other similar institutions is through the human factor. The surgeons practicing at BESH are leaders in the field of retinal surgery and diseases; they are highly qualified with excellent experiences and training from the US or Europe. Beirut Eye Specialist Hospital is committed to give the best medical treatment to every patient.

Healthcare in Kuwait | Assessment by Former Minister of Health

Interview with Dr. Hilal Al-Sayer, President of Bayt Abdullah Children’s Hospice and Former Minister of Health of Kuwait. All Kuwaiti nationals receive free healthcare. Dr. Al-Sayer says there are many opportunities to invest in healthcare system of Kuwait. At the moment the private healthcare is blooming in Kuwait. It is a trend in Kuwait to seek a medical treatment within the private healthcare sector.

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