JOTUN: 20% Growth in the Paints Sector in Libya Reflects the Revival of the Economy and Construction
Abdel Menem Abdel Aziz, Chairman of JOTUN, talks what makes JOTUN paints better.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07
Abdel Menem Abdel Aziz, Chairman of JOTUN, talks what makes JOTUN paints better.
Chairman of JOTUN Abdel Menem Abdel Aziz talks about the real-estate sector in Libya. As the chairman of JOTUN, he agrees that the the sales are up: “Definitely, our sales returned to pre-revolution levels immediately after the revolution ended. This year we have so far noticed increases on the same level as we used to have prior to the revolution. Thus as far as our business is concerned. JOTUN is back on the track.”
Al Saedan Real Estate is one of the leading real-estate companies in Saudi Arabia.
“We focus our efforts to rebuild Iraq and its different sectors like construction, real estate, transportation, agriculture, security, oil and gas services and many other fields … because we love our country and we focus on rebuilding and investing in it.”
After consumer confidence in the economy hit a near all-time low this summer as Lebanon entered a recession, 2012 wrapped up with confidence near the earlier low after a brief fall rebound.
Ahmed Rikany, Chairman of Rekan Group and President of Kurdistan Investors Union talks about the real estate bubble in Iraqi Kurdistan and Rekan Group.
Abdulla Gardi, President and CEO of Senk Group discusses the tendering process, business climate in Iraqi Kurdistan and the strategy of Senk Group. The president’s vision is to become the top road construction company in Iraqi Kurdistan and Iraq by offering superior quality of construction.
However, we see that there is a need for 350,000-500,000 houses while there are currently only 120,000. Moreover, the number of residents is increasing so the demand for houses is there.
Daniel Moreno, Director of Caixa Construções
Daniel Moreno comments on the real estate and construction sectors in Mato Grosso and presents Caixa Construções, its history, differentials and main projects. He also shares his vision for the future of the company and mentions the importance of sustainability in Caixa’s projects.
Osvado Rosalino, Director of Cerâmica Rosalino, gives an overview of the ceramics industry sector in Rondônia.