
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:06

Kuwait Top Holding Companies and Kuwait Top Diversified Conglomerates


According to Capital Standards,”Kuwait has the largest number of holding companies listed on the local stock exchange amongst the GCC stock exchanges. This can be mainly attributed to the size of the KSE (largest in terms of listed companies) and the prominence of the investment activities in Kuwait. At the end of October 2011, the number of Kuwaiti holding companies increased to 40, in comparison to 38 listed companies at the end of September 2009.”

Kuwait Top Investment Companies | 5 Largest Holdings and Investors


According to Capital Standards, “There are a total of 100 investment companies operating in Kuwait with 54 operating within the confines of the Islamic Sharia provisions and the rest operating as conventional investment companies.” Some of these companies are listed as well under asset management companies, investment banks and investment holding companies. Here is the structure of Kuwait Banking system. The sector has been hit hard by the financial crisis and non-interventionist policy by the government. The investment companies face many challenges. The sector will continue to restructure the depts and deleverage. For the complete list of investment companies click here.

Cultural Bahrain – A Soft Introduction to Arabia

Business-friendly Bahrain is the centre of the Gulf and not the centre of attention, as Bahrain claims in its newly launched ad campaign. Nevertheless, the “Island of 1,000 smiles” also has its cultural flair with its capital city Manama hosting numerous mosques, museums, galleries, and monuments. Bahrain has places to fulfill every desire for fans of culture, arts, music, and tales of One Thousand and One nights.

Bahrain Port Khalifa Bin Salman Port in Bahrain

Bahrain Ports – General Organisation of Sea Ports in Bahrain (GOP), Director General, Hassan Ali Al Majed

Khalifa Bin Salman Port will be built on 150 hectare and this will double Bahrain Ports capacity from 1.1 to 2.5 million TUs. Bahrain Ports are also planning for stage three where Bahrain Ports have reserved land east of Khalifa Bin Salman Port and it is almost the same size and this will also double the through port of Khalifa Bin Salman Port by almost 5 million containers. This is a plan for the next 20-30 years.

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