Brazil to Invest $ 122 billion into Energy Projects
Brazil is going to invest R$214 billion (U.S.$ 122 billion) to build hydroelectric, solar and wind power projects in the next decade.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07
Brazil is going to invest R$214 billion (U.S.$ 122 billion) to build hydroelectric, solar and wind power projects in the next decade.
Fernando Pimentel, H.E. Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (H.E. Ministro do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior)
H.E. Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade discusses the trade in Brazil, its prospects and the overall economy and the future of Brazil.
Entrevista com Wellington Moreira Franco
Nós temos um compromisso de construir uma sociedade justa, uma sociedade inclusiva, com uma desigualdade social pequena.
We have a commitment to build a fair society, an inclusive society, with small social inequality.
Mathieu Kadio-Morokro, President of the Pétro Ivoire Group
Pétro Ivoire is one of the leading Côte d’Ivoire gas and petroleum distribution companies with 28 gas stations all arond the country. Though it is currently 3rd in the Côte d’Ivoire market, Pétro Ivoire has the most positive outlook for growth.
Georges Philippe Ezaley, General Director of Sodexam
Sodexam is a society for exportation and development of airports in Côte d’Ivoire (with the exception of Abidjan international airport). The company has also the role of managing the National Weather System, which explains the presence of the “m” (meteorology) in “Sodexam”.
Bouaké Fofana, General Director of Ageroute (Ministère des Infrastructures Economiques)
Ageroute is charged with the management and support of road projects in Côte d’Ivoire. The current infrastructure, especially the road network, in Côte d’Ivoire is in a bad shape as there were no new roads built in the past 10-15 years. The planned rehabilitation of thousands of kilometers of roads in Côte d’Ivoire should create 5,000 permanent jobs in the next 5 years.
Dr. Tiémoko Yo, General Director of CNRA/ NARC (National Agronomic Research Center)
CNRA (NARC) is a leading agriculture research company in Côte d’Ivoire. The company focuses on seeding research. As a result of continuous research, CNRA has come up with significant innovations such as the next generation commercial plants resistant to certain diseases.
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Wim Vanhelleputte décrit la transformation de sa société qui passe d’une activité centrée sur le mobile vers celle d`un opérateur global fournisseur de services.
L’ambition des autorités est de transformer la Côte d’Ivoire en une économie de savoir. Dans cette logique, la Côte d’Ivoire se doit de développer ces infrastructures telles que la fibre optique, le Wimax ou la 3G. MTN CI va soutenir la stratégie du gouvernement afin que la Côte d’Ivoire puisse retrouver sa place de leader économique régional.
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M. Mathieu Kadio-Morokro, Président de Petro Ivoire, parle de la rentabilité sur les segments du gaz, des réseaux et des lubrifiants en Côte d’Ivoire.
M. Mathieu Kadio-Morokro, Président de Petro Ivoire, entreprise pétrolière privée de Côte d’Ivoire, parle d’investir dans le GPL en Afrique de l’Ouest et de sa rentabilité. L’investissement dans les segments du gaz, des réseaux et des lubrifiants doit permettre d’atteindre un retour sur investissement d’environ 20%. En plus d’augmenter la rentabilité, ces produits à forte marge vont également créer de l’emploi. Petro Ivoire pourra ainsi diminuer les risques de défauts de paiment sur les marchés étatiques.