Rovuma Segurança: Providing Security Expertise in Mozambique

Pedro Macaringue, Executive Director of Rovuma Segurança, explains what type of security services the company provides.

Pedro Macaringue, Executive Director of Rovuma Segurança, explains what type of security services the company provides.

“We used to focus on static vigilance, meaning a guard protecting a facility. Nowadays, due to the development of this field, we are reaching a different level with electronic vigilance. Our partners in Angola and South Africa possess CCTV access for surveillance, they also do monitoring (of funds in transit for example), guarantying a double offer: guards and electronics”, says Pedro Macaringue.

“There are many companies in Mozambique that hire civilians to protect their facilities, but this is illegal and dangerous. Only security companies have trained and qualified teams for that type of work, relying on the support of a team, in case of need. Moreover, Rovuma Segurança has an insurance coverage, so if there is a robbery and it is proved that it happened due to negligence from our company, the insurance company can settle the issue”, he adds.

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