Pedro Macaringue Discusses Partnerships with International Companies

Pedro Macaringue, Executive Director of Rovuma Segurança, talks about partnerships with international companies.

Pedro Macaringue, Executive Director of Rovuma Segurança, talks about partnerships with international companies.

“If we want to offer our services to big companies like Anadarko or Sasol for example, we need to comply with a certain level of quality, and many small companies cannot do so. Rovuma Segurança works with bigger companies that already provide such standards of quality. This is the case with our partners in Italy and Nigeria. The difficulty is to define the terms of the partnership, as most of the time they bring their expertise and think that the local companies can’t compete with them. But we have to maintain a strong position, we can’t just let others do for us what we have to do. We have to learn from them and get experience, but at the same time, we must lead the process”, says Pedro Macaringue.

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