Quality Group: Contributing to the Economic Development of Tanzania

Yusuf Manji, Advisor Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary to CEO and Chairman of the Governing Council of Quality Group, talks about the role Quality Group has played in the overall development of Tanzania.

Yusuf Manji, Advisor Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary to CEO and Chairman of the Governing Council of Quality Group, talks about the role Quality Group has played in the overall development of Tanzania.

“I think it has been a symbiotic relationship. The company was founded in 1975 and its founder was in commerce during the Independence period. It has both grown with the country, as well as accompanying it through periods of lesser growth. It would be unwise to think simply about what Quality Group has contributed, but rather what it has complemented, and what opportunities it has had to do so. By complement, I mean that the company grew hand in hand with the country’s Independence, which entails that both the mistakes and the benefits were reaped jointly. This togetherness allowed the company to be closer to its market: its consumers, employees and its various stakeholders. At that particular time, in the 60s and 70s, Africa was a new frontier, so investment coming into certain sectors faced less competition. Consequently, you had this ‘marriage’, which created the situation of a symbiotic relationship the company achieved with regard to both Tanzania and Africa more broadly, since we are not limited to Tanzania. We have grown in a similar pattern to the country”, says Yusuf Manji.

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