Minister of Economic Opportunities of Western Cape: “Our Focus Is Good Governance”

“Firstly it is about good governance and that has been the focus for the first term of our government. We need to make sure that government is trusted and that government is doing what it is supposed to be doing, spending its money in the right place etc.,” says Alan Winde, Minister of Economic Opportunities of Western Cape.

“Firstly it is about good governance and that has been the focus for the first term of our government. We need to make sure that government is trusted and that government is doing what it is supposed to be doing, spending its money in the right place etc.,” says Alan Winde, Minister of Economic Opportunities of Western Cape.

“We have a big problem in our country with high levels of corruption and so we have made sure that governance has been put in place to get the right ordered outcomes, and the right measurements in place to show people that the money is being spent where it should be spent, and not being stolen but that we are running an efficient government.”

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