Kids Bee Happy: The Most Secure Nursery and Preschool in Mexico
“Education provides us with understanding about the world, paves the way for a professional career, develops character and leads us towards knowledge. It lays the foundations for a stronger nation”, says Georgina Salgado Negrete, Executive Director of Kids Bee Happy.
Interview with Georgina Salgado Negrete, Executive Director of Kids Bee Happy
Topic 1 – Education as a priority in Mexico
Do you believe education is the main tool for encouraging Mexico’s economic and social development, as well as the key to greater social equity?
Yes, it is very important for Mexico to position its education system competitively in relation to other countries, since we live in a globalized world. Education is essential to our country’s progress and development, as well as a pillar in achieving a stronger economy, sustainable development and social stability.
Education provides us with understanding about the world, paves the way for a professional career, develops character and leads us towards knowledge. It lays the foundations for a stronger nation. Education makes us complete as people. It is among the most important investments you can make in a country and is essential in reducing poverty and inequality.
There is increasing talk today about education in Mexico, accompanied by innovation in teaching methodologies and theories offering a reliably effective comprehensive approach to train new generations; as autonomous beings able to compete in a globalized world of technological, cultural and industrial exchange, while not losing sight of the fact that the ultimate purpose of education is to achieve ever greater social equity.
An effective educational model should result in a fairer society. It’s not just about instruction, but also about educating, informing and above all nurturing human beings under a system of values to enhance their quality of life.

Topic 2 – Education reform
Do you consider education reform to be the foundation for quality education, in order to ensure students are ever better prepared to transform Mexico?
Education is the key factor in our country’s growth. Reviewing teachers’ knowledge will enable new generations to be the best and be better prepared. The benefits could be exponential in various fields, such as Health, Science and Technology, Art and Culture. As such, Education can be seen as the launch pad for economic and social development.
Education provides us with understanding about the world, paves the way for a professional career, develops character and leads us towards knowledge. It lays the foundations for a stronger nation.
As Plato once said: “Education develops in the body and soul all the beauty and all the perfection of which they are capable”. Those of us who make up Mexico’s education system have an enormous responsibility in our hands when training those who in turn will face new challenges. Children must have the best and most highly skilled teachers.
Parents currently enjoy greater advancement in the workplace, and I feel increasing the number of “full-time schools” is a sensible decision. Kids Bee Happy supports this new generation of parents facing new lifestyles and roles in the context of their close family group.
Topic 3 – Kids Bee Happy
We know that Kids Bee Happy is among Mexico’s best nurseries in terms of quality and service, and we are aware of your extensive experience in the education sector. Tell us who inspired or gave you the passion to start a nursery / preschool which seeks to attain extraordinary levels?
I can positively answer that I benefitted from my parents’ example: two wonderful human beings who provided me with support and unconditional love. It was in this context that Kids Bee Happy was born in Mexico City, with the idea of contributing to the development of happy children.
This passion and commitment to the sphere of education in Mexico undoubtedly draws from my mother’s example; a woman who devoted 35 years of her life to education, whose life project and dream was always to uphold human excellence by training citizens committed to their country. My mother always had a clear vision and lived to tirelessly fulfill the legacy of Toluca’s distinguished Argos school. I am now especially committed to pursuing her dream and writing my own story with the same passion and brilliance.
Today at Kids Bee Happy we strive to offer modern families a safe setting close to their workplaces, as well as building a model of comprehensive day care and education services, in line with the expectations of professional parents seeking to improve their quality of life and that of their children; where the aim is to ensure every child’s well-being to the fullest degree, so that children may develop their natural abilities at their own pace, in such a way that these become habits and positive attitudes allowing them to play a confident part in their family and social contexts, thereby encouraging their greatest possible capacity to both give and receive love.
How do you go about improving the ability and quality of teachers at your daycare / preschool, and what values do you look for when hiring new members of the academic team?
Improving the effectiveness of our academic staff is of crucial importance to Kids Bee Happy and is one the most efficient measures available to increase our children’s school performance.
Ongoing professional education and training are duties that all heads of educational institutions must encourage among our staff, and I am convinced that work as a value is itself a source of personal growth and development.
At Kids Bee Happy, we carefully ensure our staff meet high teaching standards, while permanently evaluating aptitudes and skills. We look for people with outstanding ethical and moral values.
Social responsibility and sustainability have today become fundamental pillars for ensuring the sustained growth of institutions. On a scale from 1 to 10, how important are these pillars today for Kids Bee Happy?
It would be 10 in our case. It’s extremely important for Kids Bee Happy to take up social responsibility and sustainability practices as we train our students in a comprehensive manner, involving the various dimensions of being human, based on their abilities: intelligence, willpower, freedom and the development of multiple forms of intelligence.
Education that encourages understanding of social and environmental facts allows us to generate value to society.
Topic 4 – The benefits of internationalization
We know that many expats come to Mexico, always with the concern of securing quality day care for their children. What is your nursery’s strategy to deepen the internationalization of this market niche?
We know that many foreigners from all countries come to Mexico and are concerned about the quality of daycare services. At Kids Bee Happy, we offer first class services to executives and parents seeking multicultural institutions.
My personal goal is that children are taken care of by the best possible team of people, along with strict nutritional and medical controls, while enjoying great facilities, all set in a controlled environment where respect, challenge and knowledge are emphasized.
Topic 5 – A personal note
From your position as Executive Director, you face the daily task of preparing the country’s future leaders. How do you deal with this responsibility, and what is your personal contribution from where you’re at?
The beauty of educating children to become leaders is found in the little things we do every day, through moments that help shape their future personality. It is a long-term task requiring dedication.
Given all these achievements and your example of service to education, what legacy would you like to leave behind?
We deal with this responsibility by constantly updating ourselves with regards to best practices in education, teacher development and the implementation of teaching strategies, always keen to innovate when it comes to learning programs for early childhood education.
Meeting the challenge of replicating a successful business model, as well as engaging with social responsibility, in order to shape the course of children’s lives, from the very earliest stages, starting by identifying and strengthening their capabilities and skills would be a fitting legacy.