Key Tourism Institutions in Egypt

The main institutions directly involved in the regulation and coordination of the tourism sector and its related activities are the Ministry of Tourism of the country and the Egyptian Tourism Authority (ETA; currently under the patronage of Samy Mahmoud).

Key Tourism Institutions in Egypt

Key Tourism Institutions in Egypt

The main institutions directly involved in the regulation and coordination of the tourism sector and its related activities are the Ministry of Tourism of the country and the Egyptian Tourism Authority (ETA; currently under the patronage of Samy Mahmoud).

The List of Key Tourism Institutions in Egypt

Company Description

Ministry of Tourism, Egypt

Exclusive interview with the former Minister of Tourism Hisham Zaazou: Egypt’s Minister of Tourism, Hisham Zaazou: “Viva Egypt”

Egyptian Tourism Authority (ETA)

Established under Presidential Decree No. 134 of 1981, the main goals of Egyptian Tourism Authority, headed by Samy Mahmoud, are:
– to increase the international tourist influx to Egypt
– to encourage domestic tourism
– to increase general tourism awareness
– to highlight the true image of the Egyptian past.
Exclusive interview with Samy Mahmoud, the Chairman of Egyptian Tourism Authority: Egyptian Tourism Authority Has New Products for Tourists Visiting Egypt: Safari, Spa and Golf
Exclusive interview with Ambassador Nasser Hamdy, the former Chairman of Egyptian Tourism Authority: Cultural tourism in Egypt: Egyptian Tourism Authority is focusing on the cultural Egypt
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