IPS West Africa

IPS West Africa is focused on the development of industry and infrastructure sectors to support economic development in the countries in which it operates.

IPS West Africa

#8 – IPS West Africa

Turnover: 525,2 (in millions of dollars)

IPS West Africa is focused on the development of industry and infrastructure sectors to support economic development in the countries in which it operates.

It is run in accordance with a strict ethos and its primary purpose is economic, its goal being to create value and generate revenue. After providing a fair return to shareholders, the revenue generated is used to maintain and upgrade resources and to build and develop sustainable and economically sound projects.

IPS West Africa is deeply committed to using and developing local management capabilities. In so doing, the institution provides genuine opportunities for developing countries and their populations.

The company is diversified and operates in various areas, such as: packaging, agribusiness, infrastruture, trading and services.

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