Importing Knowledge and Improving the Law Firm: A Priority for Ope Legis

Pedro Macaringue, Senior Partner at Ope Legis, explains why it is not a priority for the law firm to build partnerships abroad in order to expand internationally at this stage.

Pedro Macaringue, Senior Partner at Ope Legis, explains why it is not a priority for the law firm to build partnerships abroad in order to expand internationally at this stage.

Mozambique is a country in constant development and because of that there are many business opportunities here. For that reason, I believe there is still many things to be done inside the country before looking abroad. Having said that, we do cooperate with international law companies concerning international contracts. Our young lawyers are learning how to deal with international investments from those cooperating partners from Brazil, Portugal, South Africa, etc. In conclusion, at this stage, we prefer to import knowledge and improve our services and law firm, than to export our services”, says Pedro Macaringue.

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