GreenN Côte d’Ivoire: Results for 2014 and Vision for 2015
There are about 21 million mobile users in the Ivorian market. The growth in the market last year was a bit more than 10%. Our growth was 300% so obviously we were the operator that benefited the most, considering our previous very low position in this market.
Interview with Jean-Philippe Favreau, Chief Commercial Officer of GreenN (Green Network Côte d’Ivoire)
Can you give us your assessment of 2014? How did the company perform?
2014 was quite frankly a transition year for us. We succeeded despite the challenges from our shareholders to transform the company.
At the beginning of 2014, we had about 1.3 or 1.4% market share and we concluded the year with 4%. We are now the fourth operator in Côte d’Ivoire. If we also look at the financial figures, from January 2014 to December 2014 we multiplied our turnover by 2.5. These are amazing results because this company went through a very difficult situation ever since the Libyan crisis. Without receiving all the support necessary we have been able to come out ahead.

Do you have the figures regarding the number of users?
Using the same regulatory methodology used by all operators, the figures show that at the end of 2014 we had just over 850 thousand users compared to less than 300 thousand in January 2014.
What is the reason behind such successful results?
Our strategy regarding the Ivorian market is to be able to offer the people here a quality means of communication at the best price i.e. best value for money. This company did already offer that, but we have maximised our financial capacity to be able to communicate and we have succeeded in spreading that message.
What is your vision for 2015?
There are about 21 million users in the Ivorian market. The growth in the market last year was a bit more than 10%. Our growth was 300% so obviously we were the operator that benefited the most, considering our previous very low position in this market.
For our company, our strategy will carry forward using the concept of best value for money. We also want to diversify what we have to offer, for example right now we don’t offer 3G. We are going to offer Edge which is a means of communication via internet for simple services such as Facebook and email. We are going to launch GreenN Money. Thus we are going to offer a complete solution, always within the concept of offering quality at the lowest price. It isn’t about offering low level products; it is about offering good services that will allow the Ivorian people to use either SMS, mobile money or the internet at the lowest prices.
Can you tell us a bit more about GreenN Money?
No, I can’t just yet. I can just say that it will be an innovative approach as opposed to the classic approach.
Do you have a message that you would like to give about the market in Côte d’Ivoire?
There are about 21 million users in the Ivorian market. The growth in the market last year was a bit more than 10%. Our growth was 300% so obviously we were the operator that benefited the most, considering our previous very low position in this market. There is still room for growth, perhaps not in terms of the number of operators but there is room for a quality operator who can offer the Ivorian people low cost communication solutions, which would be a change from the last 4 or 5 years.