Challenges of the Hotel Industry and the Tourism Sector in Mozambique

Miguel Afonso dos Santos, General Manager at Polana Serena Hotel, mentions some of the challenges to be faced by the hotel industry and the tourism sector as a whole in Mozambique.

Miguel Afonso dos Santos, General Manager at Polana Serena Hotel, mentions some of the challenges to be faced by the hotel industry and the tourism sector as a whole in Mozambique.

“Marketwise, we rely mostly on business people. So when it is summer in Europe, it affects our income, for our tourists are on holiday elsewhere. So if we manage to get more leisure tourists, it will balance the tendency. That is why we have to try to increase leisure tourism in the city. Another challenge to be faced, not only by the hotel industry but also by other industries, is logistics: you have to plan very carefully in order to receive all the hotel equipment, goods and purchases on time. Our guests have high expectations so we need to be consistent. Besides, Mozambican people are very good people and they are very friendly, which is great for tourism as we work in the ‘smiling industry’. However, technical wise, it takes more time to hire people here, as they are not as qualified and it takes time to show them the ropes”, says Miguel Afonso dos Santos.

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