Egypt Interviews

List of all articles filed under “egypt-interviews” category.

Industrial Mega Projects in Egypt: Overview by the Minister of Industry and Trade, Egypt

“In addition to the mega projects we have tangible, well-studied sectorial industrial projects in several fields and sectors, including petrochemicals, the engineering sector, household goods, electrical equipment, white goods etc., that are for the domestic Egyptian market.”

A Leading Real Estate Company in Egypt SECON Launched Three New Real Estate Projects

“The announcement of the increase of SECON’s capital and the launching of these three projects simultaneously with Egypt Economic Development Conference (EEDC) has a very important message to both local and international investors about the current atmosphere in Egypt.”

Egypt’s Minister of Tourism, Hisham Zaazou: “Viva Egypt”

“The latest figures show that the average spending per person, that went down from USD 85 per night to USD 62 until very recently, has slowly climbed back to about USD 80 per person, per night. We are almost back there. Looking forward to 2015, (I am knocking on wood), if we move the way we are moving, we will be back to normal by the end of the year. In 2016, we foresee a higher level of business for Egypt.”

Moussa family and the United Holding Company, a success story from Egypt

“Our best approach to achieve our goals quickly was to enter a partnership with a large, leading multinational company. Our first partnership was with BASF of Germany. We then entered a partnership with St. Gobain, for gypsum. We are looking to invest and make up for the 2 or 3 years when we didn’t do anything. For 2015, we have a big program of investment.”

Asset management in Egypt is in its early stages – Waha Portfolio Management

“The asset management business in Egypt is not very familiar. It has a lot of potential to expand over the coming years, because it is very small, but it is growing rapidly, but it is still in its early stages. The growth in assets in the company has a very high percentage. Since the last 3 to 4 years, some companies have grown by 50 % to 70% percent annually.”

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