Nigeria Topics

List of all articles filed under “nigeria-topics” category.

PEM OFFSHORE Training Centre: “We Need Support from Nigerians and Government”

“Our appeal is for the government to recognise us. We have been able to get here mainly because Chevron Nigeria Ltd has been a very big supporter of Pem Offshore. It was like a dream when we went to Chevron; they gave us a contract without ever seeing anything on the ground,” says Phillips Matthews, Senior Vice President (Americas/Africa) of PEM OFFSHORE GROUP.

Trainings for IOCs, Ports and Maritime Organizations in West Africa

“We target the IOCs, Offshore Vessel Operators, Rig Owners and Operators, Crewing Agencies as well as Government Scholarship Boards. We work with international and local academies. Our major targets are the seafarers themselves, the crew, people who are willing to work offshore or onshore to support offshore operations, people who work in the offices, who work in maritime logistics, the vessel owners, the rig owners, barge owners, dredge owners,” says Phillips Matthews, Senior Vice President (Americas/Africa) of PEM OFFSHORE GROUP.

Oil & Gas Training and Courses in Nigeria – PEM OFFSHORE

“Our drive has been to give what are called cutting costs initiatives. People running courses here used to spend millions of naira to book a flight, they spent a lot of money to get a visa and the course fees cost them a lot of money as well, thousands of dollars, they stay in a good hotel and it was all done overseas,” says Phillips Matthews, Senior Vice President (Americas/Africa) of PEM OFFSHORE GROUP.

Nigeria Is a Very Hospitable Country – says Claudine Roth, GM of Loft Fahrenheit

“I think the hospitality culture is definitely growing in West Africa. Every day it is growing a little bit more, you see it with the big international hotels that have come in, you see it with groups like Fahrenheit Hospitality that want to come and make it their own and build a brand that is home-grown but that has all of the planning and strategic knowledge of hospitality that you would maybe get with international brands,” says Claudine Roth, GM of Loft Fahrenheit.

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