FIRST MANAGER-LEADER SUMMIT | INERTIA: Boost Organizational Effectiveness, Dissolve Inertia
A plan was hastily put together to meet the deadline for management approval. An interpersonal conflict between two individuals is causing collateral damage to a project timeline. Decisions reached at the end of team meetings are unclear. Those are three events that collectively would slow down any organization from achieving its goals. They are the cause and their effect is called organizational inertia.
JAKARTA, October 2016– A plan was hastily put together to meet the deadline for management approval. An interpersonal conflict between two individuals is causing collateral damage to a project timeline. Decisions reached at the end of team meetings are unclear. Those are three events that collectively would slow down any organization from achieving its goals. They are the cause and their effect is called organizational inertia.
Inertia is the lack of skill, energy or enthusiasm in the execution of human enterprise. The indicator for organizational inertia is called sub-optimization, a lower than optimum performance due to management, leadership and or technology imperfections. Inertia is an inescapable management problem, and organizational effectiveness is the solution. It is the process-driven ability to execute a business model for sustainable optimum results, with agility, flexibility and efficiency.
To achieve sustainability in the 21st century, your organization needs agility, flexibility and efficiency (read: zero inertia)—capabilities that are enabled by good management, by good leadership, and by process digitization.
Manager-leaders have a unique style to achieve sustainable business results: manage by head, lead by heart. All good managers value integrity, results and discipline in its five dimensions, namely, time (Be in time); process (Work with rules); skill (Do it well); balance (Know the boundaries); and focus (Stay on course). Manager-leaders, however, distinguish themselves by adding two outstanding qualities: the empathy to make them able and the humility to make them willing to respect the individual. With that understanding called the way of the manager-leader, they enforce order, stoke morale and strive for zero inertia at work.
Andrew Tani Research (ATR) in collaboration with Intipesan Pariwara have taken the initiative to organize the 1st MANAGER-LEADER SUMMIT, with the singular theme INERTIA: Leveraging Quality of Management & Leadership for Sustainable Business Results.
The 1st MANAGER-LEADER SUMMIT is suited for senior members of the top management team to help them understand and measure organizational inertia. When the solution is expounded by Andrew Tani, seminar participants will learn the way of the manager-leader to build a high performance team culture.
The 1 st MANAGER-LEADER SUMMIT will create learning and networking opportunitiesfor participants:
- To apply a paradigm to shape, align and attune an organization, and face the twin challenges of any business: external survival and internal integration;
- To learn the concepts of PCDCA (Plan-Coordinate-Do-Check-Action) parallel work cycles, modes of interaction, 10 Key Management Processes to manage by head and the 5 Leadership Objectives to lead by heart used to measure Quality of Management and Quality of Leadership;
- To understand team leader leverage as a powerful force for increasing organizational effectiveness towards zero inertia;
- To discover how your personal styles to finish any task and interact with people compares with the way of the manager-leader;
- To share experiences and discuss your successes and learning lessons from developing the quality of management and quality of leadership in your organization.
The 1 st MANAGER-LEADER SUMMIT is expecting 200 attendees or participants
from various backgrounds, including:
- Business owners and company CEOs
- Members of the Board of Directors and Commissioners
- Senior Managers
- Professionals
The 1 st MANAGER-LEADER SUMMIT will be held at XXI Ballroom Djakarta Theater
Jakarta on October 20, 2016.
- Book: Getting Real | How Manager-leaders Really Do It
- Speakers Presentation Digital Handouts
- YouTube Video: Organizing for Business Excellence
- YouTube Video: PCDCA 10 Key Management Processes
- YouTube Video: PCDCA 5 Leadership Objectives

Time Agenda
Time | Agenda | |
08.00 | 09.00 | Registration |
09.00 | 10.00 |
Keynote Speech |
10.00 | 10.30 | Coffee Break |
10.30 | 12.00 |
Session 1: Manager-leader: Cure for Organizational Inertia |
13.30 | 15.00 |
Panel Discussion 1. Digital High-Speed Management Topics
Host: Andrew E. Tani & Aloysius Budi Santoso (HR Chief, Astra International) |
15.00 | 15.30 | Coffee Break |
15.30 | 17.00 |
Panel Discussion 2. Leadership for Sustainable Competitive Advantage Topics
Host: Andrew E. Tani & Firdaus Alamsyah (Executive Dean of Binus International) |
17.00 | 17.10 | Recapitulation |
17.10 | Adjourned except for IPOD Community Members | |
17.20 | Launching Indonesia People & Organization Development Community | |
17.50 | Adjourned | |
For further inquiries and information related the TOR:
Speaker of The 1st MANAGER-LEADER SUMMIT, please contact:
Kiky Perdania
Tel: (+6221) 5763688
HP: +62813 10002780
Slamet Supriyanto
Tel: (+6221) 781 5858 ext. 123
HP: +62812 87694310