Top 10 Companies in Mozambique

Discover the top 10 list of the largest companies in Mozambique, compiled and published by the MarcoPolis research team. The list includes companies such as Mozal, Petromoc, Vale, EDM, CDM, Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa, etc.

Top 10 companies in Mozambique

With a steady 7,2% annual GDP growth rate for the past few years, the Republic of Mozambique continues to perform strongly on an economic level, mainly thanks to relative peace after years of civil war and the discovery of promising natural gas reserves.

The main drivers of growth are public expenditure and FDI, and the main benefiting sectors are construction, services to enterprises, transport, communications, the financial sector and extractive industries.

Every year, the research team at Marcopolis compiles a list of the top ten companies operating in a specific country. Players include Mozal (industry), Petromoc (oil), Vale (mining), EDM (energy), CDM (beverages), HCB (energy), Motraco (energy), CFM (transport), mcel (telecom) and Millennium bim (banking).

Top 10 Companies in Mozambique presents the top 10 companies in Mozambique. The largest companies in Mozambique rankings are based on the findings of the research team.

The List

Rank Company Country Industry Description


Mozambique Industry Mozal is an aluminium smelter established in July 1998, which is located in Beluluane Industrial Park (Maputo). Backed by a US$2 billion investment, the smelter was the largest private investment in the country and the first large foreign direct investment in Mozambique. Mozal is the only aluminium smelter in the country and the second-largest aluminium smelter in Africa. It is the largest industrial employer in Mozambique and delivers a significant contribution to the Mozambican economy.

Petromoc (Petróleos de Moçambique)

Mozambique Oil Petromoc (Petróleos de Moçambique) was founded in May 1999. The company owns and operates storage facilities, pipelines and bunkers in all Mozambican ports. It has a total of 19 storage tanks and facilities with approximately 500,000 m³ capacity. Petromoc sells fuels, oils and lubricants appropriate to the mining industry, agriculture and marine, providing also the necessary technical assistance. It is the largest distributor of the major industrial and commercial companies in Mozambique in sectors such as fishing, transport, energy, etc. It also provides fuel to neighboring countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Vale Mozambique

Mozambique Mining Present in Mozambique since 2004, Vale has the concession of one of the world’s largest coal reserves in Moatize, in the Tete Province, northwest of the country. The implementation of the operation of Moatize, which would become the first project carried out by Vale in Africa, started in 2008. Three years later, the complex was put into operation. Currently, the mines of Moatize have an operating capacity of 11 million tons of coal. Sales are directed to the main trans-ocean markets such as East Asia, the Americas, Europe and India.

EDM (Electricidade de Moçambique)

Mozambique Energy EDM (Electricidade de Moçambique / Electricity of Mozambique) is an energy company which deals with the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity in Mozambique. It is based in Maputo and was created in August 1977, roughly two years after the Independence of the country.

CDM (Cervejas de Moçambique)

Mozambique Beverages SABMiller entered the Mozambican market in 1995. CDM (Cervejas de Moçambique) is the sole brewer in Mozambique. It operates 3 breweries in Maputo, Beira and Nampula. Brands include 2M (the largest beer brand in Mozambique and one of the largest in SABMiller Africa), Laurentina, Manica, Castle Lite (the leading beer in the premium segment) and Impala.

HCB (Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa)

Mozambique Energy HCB (Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa) is a Mozambican company which was founded in June 1975. This undertaking is located in Songo, Cahora Bassa District, in Tete province. It possesses a double curvature arch dam with a maximum height of 171 m, and a crown that is 303 m long. The dam is 23 m thick at its base and 4 m thick at the crown. It has 8 radial floodgates and a surface spillway with a total discharge capacity of 14,000 m3/s. It possesses an underground power station, on the south bank, with 5 generator groups, each of 415 MW, and a maximum flow through the turbines of 2,250 m3/s.


Mozambique Energy In Mozambique, Motraco (Companhia de Transmissão de Moçambique / Mozambique Transmission Company), operates energy transmission for 2 main clients: Mozal, an aluminium smelter located in Beluluane Industrial Park (Maputo) and EDM (Electricidade de Moçambique / Electricity of Mozambique).

CFM (Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique)

Mozambique Transport CFM (Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique / Mozambique Ports and Railways) is the parastatal authority that oversees the railway system of Mozambique and its connected ports. Following the concession of the port business and the railway business in Central and Northern Systems, CFM’s duty is the operation of fuel terminals (in all ports) and cereals and aluminium terminals (in the Port of Maputo), as well as the Southern Railways System, composed of the following railway lines: Ressano Garcia, Limpopo, Goma and Salamanga branch-line.


Mozambique Telecom The company mcel (Moçambique Celular / Mozambique Mobile) is the first mobile operator in Mozambique. It was founded in November 1997 and has been responsible for the growth of the mobile telephone service in the country. mcel was the first operator in Mozambique to provide access to advanced technologies such as 3G and Blackberry.

Millennium bim

Mozambique Banking Millennium bim is the result of a strategic partnership agreement between Banco Comercial Português (Millennium bcp) and the mozambican State in 1995. Resulting from the changes occurred in the shareholder structure of Banco Comercial de Moçambique (BCM) in 2000, the main shareholder of Millennium bim (Banco Comercial Português), also became the major shareholder of BCM. This evolution led to major adjustments at operational and commercial levels, and both institutions finally merged in November 2001. After the merger, Banco Internacional de Moçambique (Millennium bim) became the biggest bank operating in Mozambique.
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