Diversification of Economy in Saudi Arabia
Jamal J. Malaikah, President and COO of NATPET, discusses the diversification of the economy in Saudi Arabia.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08
Jamal J. Malaikah, President and COO of NATPET, discusses the diversification of the economy in Saudi Arabia.
Jamal J. Malaikah, President and COO of NATPET, talks the role of petrochemical industry in Saudi Arabia.
Jamal J. Malaikah, President and COO of NATPET, talks about the major investment opportunities in the petrochemical sector in Saudi Arabia.
Jamal J. Malaikah, President and COO of NATPET, talks about the impact of low oil prices on the petrochemical industry.
Jamal J. Malaikah, President and COO of NATPET, provides his views on the global petrochemical industry and outlook in connection with the global economy.
“We have seen very interesting growth in this market over the years. Compulsory insurance picked up very quickly and this has really boosted our growth. Going forward, our growth depends on whether any new compulsory products are introduced to the market,” explains Raeed A. Al-Tamimi, CEO of Tawuniya.
“We need to make sure we continue to provide the best services and we have to raise the bar in terms of quality. These are the initiatives that we work on every year to ensure that we remain not only the largest but also the leading Saudi insurance provider,” explains Raeed A. Al-Tamimi, CEO of Tawuniya.
“We have different types of challenges. We have challenges arising from competitors, due to a lack of new segments, which is pushing the margins a bit lower,” explains Raeed A. Al-Tamimi, CEO of Tawuniya.
“Most people do appreciate the need for insurance. Once people start using these insurance services they tend to see the benefits and are happy to continue purchasing insurance. At the same time, we need the enforcement to kick in properly,” explains Raeed A. Al-Tamimi, CEO of Tawuniya.
“Consolidation is not currently an attractive option for the larger players because the smaller companies are looking to get their market share price for the sale of their portfolio or company,” explains Raeed A. Al-Tamimi, CEO of Tawuniya.