
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Radisson Blu plans to open new properties in Libya

Volkan Vural, General Manager of Radisson Blu Al Mahary Hotel
Radisson Blu is planning on opening one more hotel in Libya. The group would like to grow and open new properties in Libya as they strongly believe in Libya. Their business is show business and instead of property Radisson Blu Al Mahary Hotel in Tripoli focuses on services. Mr Vulkan reveals Tripoli will certainly need more hotels in 2 or 3 years.

BSIC: Strategy in Africa

BSIC Bank (Banque Sahelo Saharienne Pour l`Investissement et le Commerce)
BSIC Bank is a regional bank in Africa and it has 14 affiliates in different countries in Africa. Four of them are Anglophone-Arabic affiliates and 10 are Francophone affiliates. The main currency of the bank is Euro. The authorised capital is about 750 million Euro. BSIC Bank is preparing to change its strategy and consolidate its commercial affiliates and start to do development banking through the head office.

Libyan Airlines to become the leading airlines in Libya and surrounding region

Khaled Ben Alewa, CEO of Libyan Airlines
After the revolution and in fact during the revolution, the delivery of aircraft was postponed and we had to reschedule. Libyan Airlines are increasing their capacity with 3 A320s and 2 A330, thereby expanding their overall network. The Airlines are now flying to London, Manchester, Madrid and Malta while they are still oblidged to use leased aircraft. The company might also expand their routes to places further than Dubai in the eastern area. Once Libyan Airlines successfully adopted European safety requirements, the lifting of the EU ban should follow suit – probably by the end of 2013.

National Oil Corporation of Libya (NOC) hopes to reach oil production of 1.7 MBD by the end of 2013

Dr. Nuri A. Berruien, Chairman of the Board, National Oil Corporation (NOC) of Libya
Libya has two large refineries and it needs to improve the performance of these to decrease the gasoline imports, which currently stand at 80% of the overall oil consumption in Libya. NOC Chairman Dr. Beruuien anticipates there will be three big refineries built in Libya, however it will be the private sector that will play a major role in these investments. 1955 petroleum law of Libya is being revised and NOC is also reviewing their EPSA models to encourage investment in Libya. NOC hopes for an oil production of 1.7 million barrels per day by the end of 2013 while the operating costs remain very low – close to US $5.5 per barrel. Dr. Berruien expects more oil discoveries in Libya as many areas have not been fully explored yet.

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