imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Nournet is building one of the top data centres in Saudi Arabia

Over the past couple of years the words “data centre” have begun to permeate the general lexicon and particularly after the mass adoption of mobile devices the general public has been introduced to the terminology, and given some idea of the purpose they serve, but let us start by defining what a data centre is and how businesses and individuals are serviced by them.

Internet in Libya | Largest Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Libya


Largest Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Libya presents largest internet service providers (ISPs) in Libya.
The ministry of communication is planning to create a network and infrastructure to target around 4 million subscribers at Almadar and 6 million subscribers at Libyana. The forecast is at least a 15 to 20% minimum increase in the internet penetration rate and they are targeting to reach at least 50 to 60% by the end of 2014. According to Libya Herald, “At present only 5.5% of the population in Libya have internet access and this is one of the lowest penetration rates in the Middle East and North Africa.”

Internet Service Providers in Kurdistan | List of Top ISPs

According to the Kurdistan Region’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications, there are currently 21 companies providing internet services in Kurdistan. The sector is divided into fixed line operators (that lease out their network but at the same time offer internet services), companies selling the internet, wireless internet service providers (mobile and WiMax) and satellite ISPs.

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