Investment Opportunities in Bahrain: 2013-2014
Fawzi Ahmed Kanoo, Deputy Chairman of Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo, one Bahrain’s largest conglomerates, talks about the ease of doing business in Bahrain and investment opportunities.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07
Fawzi Ahmed Kanoo, Deputy Chairman of Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo, one Bahrain’s largest conglomerates, talks about the ease of doing business in Bahrain and investment opportunities.
Cezar Zoghbi, Director of Zoghbi Negócios Imobiliários, gives advice to investors interested in the real estate sector in Rondônia.
Mauro Mendes, Mayor of Cuiabá and Owner of Bimetal Indústria Metalúrgica, talks about the economy of Mato Grosso and its capital, Cuiabá.
Ailton Arthur, Director of Social Imóveis
Ailton Arthur from Social Imóveis talks about real estate in Rondônia, mentioning the characteristics of the sector and discussing investments. He also introduces his company and presents its history, strenghts, challenges and future plans.
Adélio Barofaldi, Director of the Rovema Group, talks about the economic potential of Rondônia in several areas and reinforces the need for investments.
Emerson Castro, State Secretary for Economic and Social Development, provides an overview of the main economic sectors of the state of Rondônia.
Confúcio Moura, Governor of Rondônia
The Governor of Rondônia, Confúcio Moura, introduces the state and mentions its main activities and economic attractions. He also discusses investment opportunities and explains some of the challenges to be faced and his vision for the future of Rondônia.
Ricardo de Sá Vieira, President of SOPH, talks about future plans for the transportation of meat and points out the reasons why Rondônia is attractive to foreign investors.
Governor Confúcio Moura introduces the state of Rondônia and talks about its importance compared to the other states, mentioning the fact that Rondônia is one of the fastest growing states in Brazil and offers great investment opportunities.
Governor Confúcio Moura mentions some interesting investment opportunities for foreign investors and explains what are the incentives offered by the state of Rondônia.